Discussion: Fulfilling the SDGs for Hidden and Vulnerable Populations

“Join a discussion on the impact of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for hidden and vulnerable populations in post-conflict situations. It will focus on women exposed to sexual violence during war and conflict and children born as a consequence of the assault and children born of war in general.”

Time and place: Mar. 9, 2020 9:00 AM–11:00 AM, Professorboligen, Stallen

For more Information, please see here.

New Article: Place-making and the everyday lives of children born into the Lord’s Resistance Army"

by Beth W. Stewart (2020) in Children's Geographies, DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2020.1713994

After decades of war in northern Uganda, children born of forced marriage in the rebel group the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) struggle to feel belonging. Based on data collected through a longitudinal study in the urban centre of Gulu town in northern Uganda with 29 children born into the LRA, this article offers a way to understand why the children are stigmatized in the places of their everyday lives. Stigmatization in the local postwar context is defined as having a moral dimension in which the children embody the insecurity and immorality of the war. Drawing on their stories about school and church, the article argues that stigmatization of the children can be understood as a place-making mechanism in people’s efforts to reclaim former places of violence, which results in the children’s sense of exclusion. The article concludes with a reflection on the importance of research with children born of war.


Beth W. Stewart, PhD
Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice, University of British Columbia
Lecturer, Social Sciences & Humanities, Fairleigh Dickinson University Vancouver
Abstract artist, www.artbybws.com

If you want to walk fast, walk alone; if you want to walk far, walk with others. (Proverb)

Book presentation: "Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist unsere Wiege - Eine ostbelgische Geschichte"

Gerlinda Swillen would like to invite you to her book presentation. For more information, see below:

Präsentation des Buches: Gerlinda Swillen, Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist unsere Wiege - Eine ostbelgische Geschichte (mit Zeitzeugenberichten von Wehrmachts- und GI-Kriegskindern)

Wann? Am Mittwoch, dem 22. Januar 2020, um 19 Uhr
Wo? Amtssitz des Ministerpräsidenten: Gospertstraße 42 – 4700 Eupen
Die Buchvorstellung findet statt in Anwesenheit von Herrn Ministerpräsidenten Oliver Paasch

Boekvoorstelling: Gerlinda Swillen, Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist unsere Wiege - Eine ostbelgische Geschichte (mit Zeitzeugenberichten von Wehrmachts- und GI-Kriegskindern) [De Tweede Wereldoorlog is onze wieg – Een Oost-Belgische geschiedenis met getuigenissen van Wehrmacht-en GI-oorlogskinderen]

Wanneer? Op woensdag, 22 januari 2020 om 19 uur
Waar? Zetel van de Minister-President: Gospertstraße 42 – 4700 Eupen
De boekvoorstelling vindt plaats in aanwezigheid van de Heer Minister-President Oliver Paasch

Présentation du livre: Gerlinda Swillen, Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist unsere Wiege - Eine ostbelgische Geschichte (mit Zeitzeugenberichten von Wehrmachts- und GI-Kriegskindern) [La Seconde Guerre mondiale est notre berceau – Une histoire de la Belgique de l’Est avec des témoignages d’enfants conçus par de soldats de la Wehrmacht et de G.I.]

Quand ? le mercredi, 22 janvier 2020 à 19 h.
Où ? au siège du Ministre-Président : Gospertstraße 42 – 4700 Eupen
La présentation se fera en présence de Monsieur le Ministre-Président Oliver Paasch